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Just remember, Amsterdam is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, so anything around $100 or less is considered budget, between $100-$200 is medium average budget, and over $200, high end luxury.Īmsterdam is a very walkable city so it's quite easy to base yourself anywhere near the centre and walk to the most popular attractions. These are our 10 favourite unique gay hotels in Amsterdam based on our personal experiences and from recommendations by other LGBTQ travellers. We never felt like we had to hide our sexuality anywhere in Amsterdam or in Holland” We never feel like we have to hide our sexuality anywhere in Amsterdam or in Holland, which is why we think it is one of the most gay friendly countries in the world. We have always felt welcome at every place we've stayed at and sharing a bed has never been an issue.

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It has one of the best gay scenes in Europe and we always have an amazing time here.īooking a hotel to stay in Amsterdam has never been a problem for us. Our 10 favourite gay hotels to stay in Amsterdam, all cool and stylish, including guesthouses & hostels, to help you plan a fabulous stay!Īmsterdam is one very gay friendly city which we love visiting.

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